Upon joining the Hard Head Mess, all members are required to select a first person impression they would like to portray. You will be addressed by your first person persona at all living histories & reenactments. Concepts to remember when portraying a first person impression include: the soldier's enlistment date, hometown, ethnicity, occupation, height, weight, hair & eye color, any wounds received during the war, and family background. It is also important is remember that these men for the most part were all civilians before the war. Find out what public interests would be talked about during the 1860's. Politics, local businesses, farming, hometown acquaintances, religion, social events, a letter from a family member, and care packages or gifts from home are just some topics to discuss with your mess mates. We will help everyone in picking out and developing their first person impression. It is a great way to educate the public, and also helps to keep everyone in an 1860's mindset throughout a living history or reenactment.
All members are expected to know and perform drill at designated times called for during a living history or reenactment. New members will have the opportunity to work on the "School of the Soldier," and Guard Mount. We will help all new and existing members to become proficient in drill. This includes the School of the Soldier, School of the Company, School of the Battalion, Guard Mount, and Bayonet Exercise. The Hard Head Mess takes pride in our ability to drill, and strives continually to become more proficient at this required duty. We primarily consult the following manuals for drill:
Works Cited Braun, Robert A. "Low-Cost Improvements for your Uniform and Equipage." 33rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Website. (2000): Online. Internet. 17 February 2000. Available: http://www.antma.com/33articles/improve.html. Brewster, William. "The Case for the Contract Variant Issue Shirt." The Company Wag. Nov. 1994. 6-7. Hughes, Nicky." If everyone lit just one little candle: Lighting for Civil War Reenactors." The Watchdog. 3.2 (1995): 4-5 – – -. "The Pick of the Litter." The Watchdog. 1.4 (1993): 7. Lord, Francis A. Civil War Collector's Encyclopedia. New York: Castle Books, 1965. Osman, Stephen. "The Federal Issue Shirt." The Watchdog. 1.2 (1993): 4-5. Walden, Geoff. "Sling, Arms!," The Watchdog. 3.3 (1995) 6-7. Written by the Hard Head Mess All Rights Reserved. 1999-2007 Updated 1/20/07