Purchasing Tips

  1. 1. Do not purchase any item on your own! Each new Hard Head Mess member will be paired with a member from the Authenticity Committee. The Authenticity Committee member will guide each new member through the ordering process to insure your getting the correct uniform & equipage. They will use the Approved Merchant List as the approved shopping list for the Hard Head Mess.
  2. Never, never, buy anything unless it is on the Approved Merchant List or by gaining approval of the Authenticity Committee! Sutlers will try to sell you anything as being authentic. Be on guard, and resist the temptation to rush out and purchase your uniform. We have made numerous mistakes in the past, and do not want to see our new and established members fall down the same road we did. Remember, unacceptable uniform & equipage will be removed regardless of the expense. If you purchase an item from a non-approved merchant, you will have to replace it with an item that is from an approved merchant. Work with your assigned Authenticity Committee member to avoid such circumstances.
  3. Do not assume since a merchant is listed as an approved source for one item, that they are approved in other areas. The Approved Merchant List details whom is approved for each uniform and equipage category. Stick to the list and you will do fine!
  4. Since most of our merchants strive for the exact replication of their products to the original articles, waiting time for these items may be quite substantial. Be patient and plan your purchases way ahead of time. Your assigned Authenticity Committee member will aid in this area as well.
  5. Above all, have fun and enjoy the experience of putting together your kit! We take pride in our impression and we hope you will too.