Uniform & Equipage

Fatigue Blouse (or Sack coat): The fatigue blouse's basic features include a indigo dyed (a rich dark blue with a greenish tinge) wool flannel with a diagonal weave, a kidney shaped or square corner interior pocket, four 3/4 inch general service eagle buttons, small cuff vents, and a falling collar.

Our fatigue blouses are either lined or unlined, but lined fatigue blouses (which were in the majority) are preferred. Wool flannel lining can be tan, gray, brown, or blue with corresponding cotton muslin sleeve lining and hand-sewn sleeves between body of the coat and sleeve lining.

Unlined coats should have hand flat felled seams.

All buttonholes shall be entirely hand sewn using blue, black, or logwood faded (brown) linen or cotton thread.

Approved styles include Schuylkill Arsenal Pattern (entirely hand sewn), J.T. Martin contract pattern & other documented arsenal and contract patterns.

If possible, we try to stick with the four standard sizes of the Federal Army during the war. These were: Size 1 = 36 inch chest, Size 2 = 38 inch chest, Size 3 = 40 inch chest, and size 4 = 42 inch chest. For more information on fatigue blouses, please consult Patrick Brown's monograph For Fatigue Purposes — The Army Sack Coat of 1857-1872. (EOG/US/125)